Different but the same?

I’m thrilled to say that we have thrown open the doors to our Ships once more and launched our new Virtual Ship’s live sessions.

Ahead of the start of term in September we undertook risk assessments and prepared our spaces in line with guidelines. In the ships we marked out where Crewmates and Young Pirates’ chairs need to go, put up signs about new rules and reminders of where to walk. Of course, the Young Pirates understood straight away. The precautions in school are much the same, as are restaurants and other places that we all visit. Online, we tried different systems and found the one that best enabled us to retain our joyful approach to learning and include our wonderful volunteers in delivering sessions.

Although so much has changed, it’s quickly become clear that nothing has really changed. The variation in how we play a game together or how the Young Pirates need to pick a book from the library has been adapted, but what we love about Literacy Pirates remains unchanged. We offer boundless positivity and enthusiasm and that’s created by people.

When I join a session, in-person in Hackney and Haringey or online, it’s the same smiles, laughter and energy that hits me. Covid and social distancing has not changed that, and we won’t allow it to.

And we still need you! We need supporters to volunteer, donate and spread the word about us. If you enjoy laughing and reading, then consider giving your time as a Crewmate and volunteer with us. Can you support our work with a donation? Set up a regular gift on our JustGiving page.

Together we can support children in Hackney and Haringey to develop their literacy and learning skills and have fun, despite these challenging times.

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