Remember when everyone couldn’t help but use the words ‘unprecedented time’. It was about then, that Wendy, our Director of Learning said ‘We have to give the children a chance to write diaries. This is unprecedented, it is a once in a life, historic moment.’ So in March we created and sent a lovely 24 page diary to all the children, Young Pirate’s we work with. On their doormats was an invitation to pick up a pen and write about their feelings and fears. Each week we received photos of their entries and Wendy wrote back, personally to encourage and support them.
We are now celebrating our Young Pirates by publishing a collection of diary entries written by them at home, between 30th March and 5th June. Diaries express the profound and the mundane about everyday life. They explore both the thoughts that come easily to our minds, as well as those that may be a bit deeper and harder to reach.
In selecting entries for the Diary of an Extraordinary Spring publication we have chosen a full range, to give you a realistic, often fun, look behind lockdown. Read and share the Diary of an Extraordinary Spring here. There are moments of loneliness and loss as children talk about family and friends. They seem vulnerable and alone. But alongside are entries about new games, and ways to entertain themselves. How the children experience the closeness of family. There is a backdrop of school and schoolwork. As well as the ongoing saga of what to have for dinner. The children’s dairies make you smile, and remind us of just how uncertain and strange the past few months has been.
You can also help us motivate the Young Pirates in their weekly reading and writing by writing them a message in response to their wonderful diaries.